QFR No - 7000831526
Defect Details
NC No. 7000831526
NC Date 16/04/2022
NC Submission Date
Part No. 550BZ01402
Part Name CAP OIL LOCK - DF01
Supplier Name & Code 100106-SHARP ENGINEERS.
ETL Plant 1136-ETL Suspension Sanand
Defect Details PARALITY NOT OK.-Parallelism Not Ok
1. Problem Description
Defect Description Parallism more
Detection Stage Receipt
Problem Severity Function
NG Quantity 15
Is Defect Repeatative? No
Defect Sketch / Photo
Supplier Communication Details
Quality Head Email ID quality@apw3.co.in
Plant Head/CEO Email ID kurund.ma@sharp-engineers.com
MD Email ID urkhandelwal@sharp-engineers.com
2. Stock Details & action taken for NG parts
Location ETL End Warehouse Transit Supplier FG Supplier WIP Total
Total Qty
Check Qty
NG Qty
Scrap 2
Rework 20
Under Deviation 0
Containment Action
Drill changing frequency reduced from 600 Nos 500/Re-sharpening
3. Process Flow
Process Flow Description
10) Raw material inward, 20) Parting & drilling, 30) Chamfering (Ø8.50 & 14.04mm),40) Grinding 60) Plating process, 70) Inward inspection (for plated parts), 80) Final inspection, 90) Packing & Dispatch.
4. Process Details
Process / Operation Drilling & Parting
Outsource No
Machine / Cell Traub Machine Shop
Machine / Cell No. Traub/SE/ALM/05
5. Problem Analysis
Type Possible Cause Fact Verification Jud
MachineTool setting not done properly/inaccurate machineSOP & work instruction displayed on machine , Machine maintenance being followed as per planO
ManUnskilled/semi-skilled operatorOperator having good knowledge of operation and skill matrix exist stage wiseO
ToolDrill Ø14.10mm worn outDrill Ø14.10 observed worn out earlier than defined tool life 600/Re-sharpeningX
MaterialSetting pieces/ NG parts mix up with ok materialRework & rejection bins available on machine in the lock and key.O
6. Inspection Method Analysis (Current)
Inspection Method Sp. Gauge
Other Inspection Method
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. Sampling
Sampling No
Sample Size IS:2500
7. Root Cause Analysis (Occurance)
Why 1 Excess Parallelism (0.040)
Why 2 Burr placed at surface (7.0)
Why 3 Drill worn out
Why 4 Excess use of drill Ø14.10mm
Why 5 Tool life defined for 600nos/Re-sharpening
Root Cause (Occurance) Excess use of drill Ø14.10mm
Root Cause Analysis (Outflow)
Why 1 Skipped from final inspection
Why 2 Sampling basis inspection as per IS:2500
Why 3 No 100% inspection
Why 4 checking frequency followed as per control plan
Why 5 Correction required in the control plan for sample size and inspection frequency.
Root Cause (Outflow) Correction required in the control plan for sample size and inspection frequency.
8. Countermeasure ( Occurrence , Outflow & System side Actions )
Type Countermeasure Details Responsibility Target Date Actual Date Status
OutflowInspection frequency increased from IS:2500 to 100:1200 as per control plan. rev date 05/05/2022.Mr. Shaikh Laik28/04/2022Completed
OccuranceDrill changing frequency reduced from 600 to 500/Re-sharpeningMr. Vinod Jadhav28/04/2022Completed
9. Inspection Method After Customer Complaint
Change In Inspection System Yes
Change Details Inspection frequency defined 100:1200
Inspection Method Sp. Gauge
Other Inspection Method
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. Sampling
Sampling No
Sample Size 100:1200
10. Evidance of Countermeasure
Occurance (Before) Excess use of drill Ø14.10mm (600/Re-sharpening)
Occurance (After) Excess use of drill Ø14.10mm (500/Re-sharpening)
Outflow (Before) //0.040 checking freq. 32:1200 as per IS:2500
Outflow (After) //0.040 checking freq. 100:1200 Was 32:1200
11. Horizontal Deployment
Horizontal Deployment Required Yes
Applicable Machine / Model / Plant CAP OIL LOCK (PRF & LML)
12. Document Review
Documents ControlPlan, PFMEA, InspCheckSheet
Specify Other Document NA
13. Effectiveness Of Action
Reviewed Quantity 1000
Reason for submission Recheck, Problem Analysis, Occurenece side cause & actions to be updated and aligned.