QFR No - 8000808535
Defect Details
NC No. | 8000808535 |
NC Date | 19/10/2022 |
NC Submission Date | |
Part No. | 550LG06202 |
Part Name | SEAT PIPE -K23A/PRFH-006 |
Supplier Name & Code | 100929-HARSHAD ENGINEERING COMPANY |
ETL Plant | 1116-ETL K-120 Suspension |
1. Problem Description
Defect Description | In PRFH Seat pipe - Groove width observed oversize. (No-go gauge qualifies.) |
Detection Stage | Receipt |
Problem Severity | Fitment |
NG Quantity | 1021 |
Is Defect Repeatative? | Yes |
Defect Sketch / Photo |
Supplier Communication Details
Quality Head Email ID | qaharshad@miteshauto.com |
Plant Head/CEO Email ID | sjkadam@miteshauto.com |
MD Email ID | auto.mitesh@gmail.com |
2. Stock Details & action taken for NG parts
Location | ETL End | Warehouse | Transit | Supplier FG | Supplier WIP | Total |
Total Qty |
Check Qty |
NG Qty |
Scrap | 0 |
Rework | 0 |
Under Deviation | 1208 |
Containment Action |
100 % sorting done for ETL End, HEC WIP & FG material |
3. Process Flow
Process Flow Description |
Cutting-Draw-Forging(Head Formation)-Rough Grinding-CNC (Head, Boring & Tapping)-Punching-Finish Grinding-Final Inspection-Packing-Dispatch |
4. Process Details
Process / Operation | CNC Head Turning |
Outsource | No |
Machine / Cell | CNC |
Machine / Cell No. | CNC 1 |
5. Problem Analysis
Type | Possible Cause | Fact Verification | Jud |
Machine | In CNC Prograam Groove width set to higher side | In CNC Prograam Groove width observed higher side at the time of insert change | O |
6. Inspection Method Analysis (Current)
Inspection Method | Gauge |
Other Inspection Method | |
Check Point at Final Inspection | Yes |
Checking Freq. | Sampling |
Sampling | No |
Sample Size | IS2500 |
7. Root Cause Analysis (Occurance)
Why 1 | Groove width found oversize |
Why 2 | At the time of insert change, 80 to 90 nos found light NOGO enters due to entry chamfer. |
Why 3 | In CNC programm groove width set to higher side. |
Why 4 | To avoid Gr. Width undersize fitment issue. |
Why 5 | To avoid Gr. Width undersize fitment issue. (entry chamfer minor excess observed in said lot) |
Root Cause (Occurance) | To avoid Gr. Width undersize fitment issue. (entry chamfer minor excess observed in said lot) |
Root Cause Analysis (Outflow)
Why 1 | Groove width found oversize |
Why 2 | Part skip in FI |
Why 3 | 100% check not done |
Why 4 | Sampling done/Inspection method not adequete |
Why 5 | |
Root Cause (Outflow) | Sampling done/Inspection method not adequete |
8. Countermeasure ( Occurrence , Outflow & System side Actions )
Type | Countermeasure Details | Responsibility | Target Date | Actual Date | Status |
Occurance | In CNC programe correction done and width size maintained at mean side and radius at entry point corrected to prevent the over size concern. | D.D. Jopale | 19/10/2022 | Completed | |
Outflow | Groove width 100% check just before packing to avoid NG part mix-up in lot. | Vaibhav Shirsath | 18/10/2022 | Completed |
9. Inspection Method After Customer Complaint
Change In Inspection System | Yes |
Change Details | Groove width 100% check |
Inspection Method | Gauge |
Other Inspection Method | |
Check Point at Final Inspection | Yes |
Checking Freq. | 100% |
Sampling | No |
Sample Size | 100% |
10. Evidance of Countermeasure
Occurance (Before) |
In CNC Program Groove width maintain at higher side 286_Occurance_Before.jpg |
Occurance (After) |
In CNC Program Groove width maintain at Mean 286_Occurance_After.jpg |
Outflow (Before) |
Groove width checked on Sampling basis 286_Outflow_Before.jpg |
Outflow (After) |
100% insp. to be done for Groove width 286_Outflow_After.jpg |
11. Horizontal Deployment
Horizontal Deployment Required | Yes |
Applicable Machine / Model / Plant | CNC Machines |
12. Document Review
Documents | |
Specify Other Document | NA |
13. Effectiveness Of Action
Reviewed Quantity | 1000 |
Reason for submission | Effectiveness observed. |