QFR No - 8000861163
Defect Details
NC No. 8000861163
NC Date 30/01/2024
NC Submission Date
Part No. 550LZ00102
Part Name SPACER L 50-PRF001
Supplier Name & Code 100990-JAIRAJ ANCILLARIES PVT LTD
ETL Plant 1118-ETL E-92,93 Suspension
1. Problem Description
Defect Description Groove OD over size
Detection Stage Inprocess
Problem Severity Fitment
NG Quantity 114
Is Defect Repeatative? No
Defect Sketch / Photo
Supplier Communication Details
Quality Head Email ID planthead.aurangabad@jairajgroup.com
Plant Head/CEO Email ID vp@jairajgroup.com
MD Email ID rajiv@jairajgroup.com
2. Stock Details & action taken for NG parts
Location ETL End Warehouse Transit Supplier FG Supplier WIP Total
Total Qty
Check Qty
NG Qty
Scrap 114
Rework 0
Under Deviation 0
Containment Action
Immediately visited customer end for problem identification & 100% checking of all available stock at customer end completed
3. Process Flow
Process Flow Description
Receipt of raw material, Inward inspection , storage, Material issue, Injection molding, Machining, Deflashing & final inspection, Packing & labelling, Pre dispatch inspection, despatch
4. Process Details
Process / Operation Injection Molding
Outsource No
Machine / Cell Injection molding machine
Machine / Cell No. IM-5
5. Problem Analysis
Type Possible Cause Fact Verification Jud
MethodSampling Inspection at Final Inspection stage & on machineVerified that at FI inspection by gauge on sampling basis & operator was checking after every hourX
MethodPart clamping not correctVerified that part clamping on machine was not correctX
ManOperator having less awarenessVarified & found that operator was having less awareness about the issueX
ToolTool not ok / wear outVerified that there was no problem in toolO
MaterialUse of improper materialVeried that material used was as per specificationsO
MachineImproper Cooling time in Injection mouldingVerified and found that cooling time was as per specifiedO
MachineJaw wear out in machiningVerified and found that jaw condition was okO
MethodProcess parameters not followedVerified that process parameters were as specifiedO
6. Inspection Method Analysis (Current)
Inspection Method Gauge
Other Inspection Method
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. Sampling
Sampling No
Sample Size Aslot size
7. Root Cause Analysis (Occurance)
Why 1 Groove OD O/S - Req Specification 33.95+/- 0.1 mm & found oval
Why 2 While machining for groove equal material not removed from part OD
Why 3 Due to part clamping was not centered in jaws
Why 4 Flashes not removed from part before clamping
Why 5 Manual error
Root Cause (Occurance) Flashes on part were not removed by the operator prior its loading for machining ( Manual error)
Root Cause Analysis (Outflow)
Why 1 Groove OD O/S - Req Specification 33.95+/- 0.1 mm & found oval
Why 2 Part skipped from machine & Final inspection stage
Why 3 Inspection on sampling basis on machine by operator & by inspector at FI
Why 4
Why 5
Root Cause (Outflow) Inspection on sampling basis on machine by operator & by inspector at FI
8. Countermeasure ( Occurrence , Outflow & System side Actions )
Type Countermeasure Details Responsibility Target Date Actual Date Status
OccuranceTraining provided to operator on removing flashes from part , prior to loading on machineProduction24/02/202424/02/2024Completed
Outflow1. Parts are checking 100% with GO Gauge for groove OD at FI with Identification mark. 2. Now 100% parts are checked by gauge (groove OD 33.95 +/-0.1 mm) by operator on machine. 3. Displayed OK/NG samples at work station & also displayed OPL.QA HOD24/02/202424/02/2024Completed
9. Inspection Method After Customer Complaint
Change In Inspection System Yes
Change Details 1. Parts are checking 100% with GO Gauge for groove OD at FI by inspector with Identification mark. 2. Now 100% parts are checked by gauge (groove OD 33.95 +/-0.1 mm) by operator on machine
Inspection Method Gauge
Other Inspection Method
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. 100%
Sampling No
Sample Size 100%
10. Evidance of Countermeasure
Occurance (Before) Operator having less awareness about the issue
Occurance (After) Training provided to the operator ( Training Record)
Outflow (Before) Inspection on Sampling basis with gauge on machine by operator & at Final inspection by inspector
Outflow (After) 100% Inspection with gauge by operator on machine & by inspector at FI
11. Horizontal Deployment
Horizontal Deployment Required No
Applicable Machine / Model / Plant Not Applicable
12. Document Review
Specify Other Document NO
13. Effectiveness Of Action
Reviewed Quantity 11000
Reason for submission after action implementation no any parts found defective.