QFR No - 8000867378
Defect Details
NC No. | 8000867378 |
NC Date | 18/03/2024 |
NC Submission Date | |
Part No. | 520PP01902 |
Supplier Name & Code | 100656-MADHURA DIE CAST PVT.LTD |
ETL Plant | 1132-ETL K-226/1 TRANSMISSION |
Defect Details | CRACK-OD CRACK ISSUE |
1. Problem Description
Defect Description | Crack Issue observed on OD Ø110±0.3 mm |
Detection Stage | Receipt |
Problem Severity | Function |
NG Quantity | 28 |
Is Defect Repeatative? | No |
Defect Sketch / Photo |
Supplier Communication Details
Quality Head Email ID | madhuradiecast@gmail.com |
Plant Head/CEO Email ID | madhuradiecast@gmail.com |
MD Email ID | madhuradiecast@gaikegroup.in |
2. Stock Details & action taken for NG parts
Location | ETL End | Warehouse | Transit | Supplier FG | Supplier WIP | Total |
Total Qty |
Check Qty |
NG Qty |
Scrap | 67 |
Rework | 0 |
Under Deviation | 0 |
Containment Action |
1. 100% material of the 3W4S Wheel segregation done at the customer end. 2.. Started 100% of the visual checking of the crack on the OD. And Started 100% of the marking on the OD of the Components. |
3. Process Flow
Process Flow Description |
1. Casting 2. Fettling 3. CNC 1st Set-up 4. CNC 2nd Set-up 5.Drilling & Tapping 6.Final Inspection |
4. Process Details
Process / Operation | Casting |
Outsource | No |
Machine / Cell | HPDC MC |
Machine / Cell No. | 02 |
5. Problem Analysis
Type | Possible Cause | Fact Verification | Jud |
Material | Die material was not ok. | Check and verify found ok | O |
Machine | Die was Overlock | Verified & Found OK | O |
Tool | Die life was completed | Found Not OK | X |
6. Inspection Method Analysis (Current)
Inspection Method | Instrument |
Other Inspection Method | |
Check Point at Final Inspection | Yes |
Checking Freq. | 100% |
Sampling | No |
Sample Size | 1:1 |
7. Root Cause Analysis (Occurance)
Why 1 | A crack was found on the OD 110.00mm. |
Why 2 | The casting ejection was uneven due to which parts got cracked. |
Why 3 | The running die moving side insert M1 was cracked at various points. |
Why 4 | Die life was completed of M1 die. And the new die was under approval. |
Why 5 | |
Root Cause (Occurance) | Die life was completed of M1 die. |
Root Cause Analysis (Outflow)
Why 1 | This micro-crack part was visually not arrested on the final inspection table |
Why 2 | Micro crack was not visible without a magnifying glass. |
Why 3 | |
Why 4 | |
Why 5 | |
Root Cause (Outflow) | Micro crack was not visible without a magnifying glass. |
8. Countermeasure ( Occurrence , Outflow & System side Actions )
Type | Countermeasure Details | Responsibility | Target Date | Actual Date | Status |
Occurance | The old die (M1) was scrapped and the new die (M2) was implemented for the production. | Production supervisior | 20/03/2024 | 18/03/2024 | Completed |
Outflow | 1. Training and awareness were given to the Final inspector about the Visual checking of the Crack on the OD 110.00mm. 2. The magnified glass is implemented on the final inspection table for the visual checking of the micro cracks on the OD of the parts. 3. OPL is displayed. | QA Supervisor | 15/03/2024 | 16/03/2024 | Completed |
9. Inspection Method After Customer Complaint
Change In Inspection System | Yes |
Change Details | The magnified glass is implemented on the final inspection table for the visual checking of the micro cracks on the OD of the parts. |
Inspection Method | Instrument |
Other Inspection Method | |
Check Point at Final Inspection | Yes |
Checking Freq. | 100% |
Sampling | No |
Sample Size | 1:1 |
10. Evidance of Countermeasure
Occurance (Before) |
The running die moving side insert M1 was cracked 714_Occurance_Before.jpeg |
Occurance (After) |
A new die (M2) was implemented for the production. 714_Occurance_After.jpeg |
Outflow (Before) |
Micro crack was not visible without magnifying glass. 714_Outflow_Before.jpeg |
Outflow (After) |
The magnified glass is implemented on the final inspection table for the visual checking of the micro-cracks on the OD of the parts. 714_Outflow_After.jpeg |
11. Horizontal Deployment
Horizontal Deployment Required | No |
Applicable Machine / Model / Plant | NO |
12. Document Review
Documents | InspCheckSheet |
Specify Other Document | NA |
13. Effectiveness Of Action
Reviewed Quantity | 2000 |
Reason for submission | OK |