QFR No - 8000889511
Defect Details
NC No. 8000889511
NC Date 02/09/2024
NC Submission Date
Part No. F2LG05402B
Part Name SEAT PIPE - J1A & J1D
Supplier Name & Code 100539-N P ENTERPRISES
ETL Plant 1117-ETL K-228/9 Suspension
1. Problem Description
Defect Description ID UNDERSIZE
Detection Stage Inprocess
Problem Severity Fitment
NG Quantity 5
Is Defect Repeatative? Yes
Defect Sketch / Photo
Supplier Communication Details
Quality Head Email ID quality@npcindustries.in
Plant Head/CEO Email ID anand@npcindustries.in
MD Email ID ajay@npcindustries.in
2. Stock Details & action taken for NG parts
Location ETL End Warehouse Transit Supplier FG Supplier WIP Total
Total Qty
Check Qty
NG Qty
Scrap 7
Rework 0
Under Deviation 0
Containment Action
segregate all material at both end .
3. Process Flow
Process Flow Description
Process Flow Description 1.0 Raw Material 2.0 Cutting 3.0 Drawing 4.0 Head Formation 5.0 Rough Grinding 6.0 Punching 7.0 CNC Head Turning 8.0 CNC Boring & Facing 9.0 Tapping 10.0 Chamfering 11.0 ID Deburring 12.0 Finish Grinding 13.0 Final Inspection 14.0 Cleaning 15.0 Oiling 16.0 Packing &Dispatch.
4. Process Details
Process / Operation Final Inspection
Outsource No
Machine / Cell Manual
Machine / Cell No. Q-gate no-3
5. Problem Analysis
Type Possible Cause Fact Verification Jud
MethodLow Lux LevelAfter verification we observed Lux level as per standard.O
Method5S not Maintain5`S should be maintained in shop.O
MaterialWrong part mixedAfter verification we found there are high chance of mixingX
ManInspector negligency during in processAfter verification inspector observed to be negligent.X
MaterialIdentification missing on packing box / trolley / BinAfter verification we found Identification availableO
6. Inspection Method Analysis (Current)
Inspection Method Other
Other Inspection Method Visual
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. 100%
Sampling No
Sample Size 100%
7. Root Cause Analysis (Occurance)
Why 1 The Shank ID part under-sized
Why 2 wrong model part remain in the process after the model change
Why 3 Previous model parts were not removed during the model change
Why 4 Model change inspection process not followed correctly
Why 5 model change procedure poorly enforced
Root Cause (Occurance) model change procedure poorly enforced
Root Cause Analysis (Outflow)
Why 1 Shank ID under-size part found.
Why 2 Wrong model mix during inspection.
Why 3 Other model part did not get removed after the model change.
Why 4 Few pieces were not detected during the model change inspection because they were hidden in the station corner.
Why 5 Some space was available between the bin and gauge/equipment on Q-gate working floor/surface.
Root Cause (Outflow) Some space was available between the bin and gauge/equipment on Q-gate working floor/surface.
8. Countermeasure ( Occurrence , Outflow & System side Actions )
Type Countermeasure Details Responsibility Target Date Actual Date Status
Occuranceall bins to be fitted tightly and properly positioned to prevent parts from being misplaced.Mr. Ankush12/09/202406/09/2024Completed
OccuranceTraining to be given to inspectors at the workstation to reinforce proper inspection instruction.Mr. Vinay Tiwari07/09/202406/09/2024Completed
OccuranceDesign and install a custom tray for inspection parts at the Q-gate. Ensure bins are placed outside the tray.Mr. Ankush12/09/202406/09/2024Completed
OutflowDisplay a Quality Alert at the Q-gate stationMr. Princ02/09/202406/09/2024Completed
OutflowEstablish a real-time supervision person to oversee model change processes and ensure that procedures are followed correctly.Mr. Vinay Tiwari04/09/202404/09/2024Completed
9. Inspection Method After Customer Complaint
Change In Inspection System No
Change Details Design and install a custom tray for inspection parts at the Q-gate. Ensure bins are placed outside the tray.
Inspection Method Other
Other Inspection Method Visual
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. 100%
Sampling No
Sample Size 100%
10. Evidance of Countermeasure
Occurance (Before) Some space was available between the bin and gauge/equipment on Q-gate working floor/surface.
Occurance (After) Design and install a custom tray for inspection parts at the Q-gate. Ensure bins are placed outside the tray.
Outflow (Before) real-time supervision person was not available to oversee model change processes
Outflow (After) Display a Quality Alert at the Q-gate station & Establish a real-time supervision person to oversee model change processes
11. Horizontal Deployment
Horizontal Deployment Required Yes
Applicable Machine / Model / Plant All Model
12. Document Review
Documents WISOP, JHCheckSheet
Specify Other Document No
13. Effectiveness Of Action
Reviewed Quantity 50
Reason for submission OK