RICO AUTO INDUSTRIES LTD Page 1 of 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Consignee & Billing Address: M / S M / S MAKINO INDIA PVT LTD RICO AUTO INDUSTRIES LIMITED NO.11,EXPOSRT PROMOTION INDUSTRIAL Plot No-SP3-800 & 801, PARKK K.R. PURAM Industrial Area Pathredi, 560066 BANGALORE 301019 Bhiwadi, Dist.Alwar (Rajasthan) Tel 9148312006 Fax 08028412845 GST No: 08AAACR8724R1ZN Venor GST No: 29AACCM6536A1ZN CIN L34300HR1983PLC023187 PAN No.AAACR8724R Your vendor number with us TEL ,FAX 1400350 2163004255 / 22.02.2023 Contact person/Telephone Valid from: 22.02.2023 Vibhav Chavre Valid to: 22.03.2023 Your person responsible Delivery date: Day 22.02.2023 Mr. MARISAMY Terms of delivery: Delivered at our works Delivered at our works Terms of payment: DUE IMMEDIATELY Currency INR 1. You will submit excise gate pass along with the supplies to enable us to avail modvat benefits, if applicable. 2. Acceptance criteria: shall be as per our conditions at Sno 3,4,6&7 mentioned overleaf of PO. 3. Supplier shall indentify and comply with all government and safety constraint of restricted, toxic & hazardous material as well as Environmental, Electric & Electromagnetic consideration as applicable asshall forward valid compliance certificate to RICO on regular basis. 4. Service Ord. No.,Item code&vendor code must appear on every invoice. 5. Pl. deliver the services as per our agreed terms. 6. Pl confirm Acceptance immediately on receipt of PO,Non Receipt will be deemed as accepted. 7. This order is subject to standard terms & conditions of RICO'spurchase order as per enclosed Annexture. 8. Pl. prepare separate Invoice for Each Item We are pleased to place the following order on you based on our conditions printed overleaf those specifically mentioned herein. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sr Material Uom Quantity Basic Price Amount Description Ref. Doc Tax Desc. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 010 AU 1 15,000.00/1 15,000.00 SERVICE CHARGES FOR MAKI HSN/SAC: 5163003957 Central GST 9.00% State GST 9.00% SERVICE CHARGES FOR MAKINO MACHINE HR-10 LINE GROSS PRICE 15,000.00 INR 15,000.00 Central GST 9.00% 1,350.00 State GST 9.00% 1,350.00 The item covers the following services: 10 3000242 SAC:998717 REPAIR OF CNC MACHINES 1 AU 15,000.00 15,000.00 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Total Value Inclusive Tax INR 17,700.00 SEVENTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND ZERO PAISE ONLY _____________________________________________________________________________________ For RICO AUTO INDUSTRIES LTD RICO 08 QF0 01, ISSUE 01 FEB99 F:RICO GGN/PUR/3 Prepared By Approved By ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RICO AUTO INDUSTRIES LTD Page 2 of 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ M / S MAKINO INDIA PVT LTD 2163004255 / 22.02.2023 NO.11,EXPOSRT PROMOTION INDUSTRIAL PARKK K.R. PURAM 560066 BANGALORE Tel 9148312006 Fax 08028412845 ---------- TERMS & CONDITIONS ----------- 1. The confirmation of this order shall be in writing which shall constitute a contract. The confirmation shall be communication within7 days of receiptof this order. If the PO is not accepted within 7 days from the date of receipt by the supplier,the company shall be at liberty to cancel the same without incurring any liability whatsoever. 2. The company declines all responsibility of payment where proof of delivery effected can not be given satisfactory. 3. The delivery of goods by the supplier to the company will not completed and communicated the supplier and till such time the goods shall remain with the company on supplier's account on approval basis only. 4. All goods accepted are subject to final approval of the company's works and inspection regarding quality, quantity and specification. The company reserves the right to reject if further defects are noticed while assembling or processing, even if in the first instance the goods have been accepted by the company and are paid for. Company's decision about such rejections at whatever time shall be final and binding upon the supplierand supplier shall not objectto it in any manner whatsoever. If all packing, octroi, freight and holding costs or any other cost of such rejected material will be borne by the supplier. 5. The supplier shall replace the rejected material within three days time from the date of receipt of company's report of rejection of the place of supply specified by the company otherwise material rejected would be brought in open market on supplier's account and the amount willbe deducted from the bill or debited to the supplier's account. 6. Goods supplied must be according to the sample previously approved by the company. The company shall be entitled to reject the goods which is theiropinion are not according to the sample. If the goods are not approved by the company for any reason whatsoever the company shall not be liable to pay any sum on account of such rejected goods. 7. The company reserves the right to cancel or amend this order or any part thereof for the following reasons (a) Irregularities in supply (b) Rejections (c) Escalations in prices (d) Not required bythe company. Without assigning any reason and without in any manner incurring and liability company's decision shall be final in dispute arising out of purchase orders. Money due tothe company either as damages or under any other orders may be adjusted when setting payment against this order. 7.1 Supplier shall indemnify defend and hold harmless purchaser and purchaser's affiliated corporations and their officers, directors, employees and agent against and in respectto any andall claims, demands, losses, cost deficiencies, including interest, penalties and reasonable attorney's fees arising as a result of or in connection with any breach of supplier, or failure, by supplier, to perform, any of its representation warranties undertakings or other obligation under this agreement, any claim suit injunction or other relief arising out of any claim that the goods or any process, technique, or means of manufacturer adopted by supplier with respect to the goods infringes or violated any industrial property right. Such indemnification shall survive the expiration or termination of this agreement. 8. The Company assumes no objection to goods delivered in excess of those specially ordered purchase order number should be stated on the Challan or otherwise material will not be accepted. 9. All the material in this order should be supplied within the time specified herein. 10. The invoice must be submitted I duplicate to the company. Purchase order number, date, supplier's delivery note number must appear on all the invoice submitted for payment. The invoice not fulfilling these requirements will be returned. 11. If this order not executed within the specified period it will be treated as cancelled and the material will be brought in open market and the supplier will be liableto make good the loss or damage suffered. 12. The company is not responsible for any order placed by unauthorized pesons. 13. The designs, drawing and samples and any other technical information given by the company for fabrication of goods ordered should not be returned to the any other party and should not be utilized for manufacturing same or similar goods for any party other than the company and should be returned to the company on demand. 13.1 Without the prior written consent to purchaser supplier shall not disclose any commercial, technical or other information furnished by the purchaser pursuant thisagreement. 13.2 Without the prior written consent to purchaser, supplier shall not be use or cause to be used the information furnished by the purchaser under this agreements forany purpose other than for the purposes of this agreement. 13.3 The restrictions provided for in sub-section 13.1 and 13.2 shall survive the expiration or termination of this agreement without purchaser's prior written consent. Supplier shall not advertise or publish in any manner that supplier has contracted to or is or has been furnishing goods to purchaser. 14. The goods manufactured by the suppler from the data/drawing/designs furnished by the company must not be sold or divulged to any other party. If the supplier manufactures excess quantity than the order placed with him, he shall reserve the same for ultimate sale to the company on its demand. On no account the suppler will sell the goods to anyother party except withthe written consent of the company. The same condition applies to the supplies rejected by the company at various stages. 15. Any modification of these conditions must be in writing. 16. The supplier may be required to enter into a separate agreement on a stamp paper as per the Proforma given by the company. 17. The price, terms and conditions mentioned on the order will be taken as firm and cannot be changed till the obligations under this contract areduly fulfilled. 18. Packing, forwarding, cartage and freight charges will be borne by the supplier unless otherwise stipulated in the PO 19. All bank charges, etc., if any shall be borne by the supplier if payment is required through bank. 20. Trade marks of which the company is either registered proprietor of registered user shall if so approved by the company by used only on the goods to besupplied to the company and in the manner provided. Their use colour full or otherwise in any manner in relation to the products of the supplier not be use by the company be strictly prohibited and in the case of violation of this condition the suppler shall be liable to legal action. 20.1 Unless otherwise agreed between the parties hereto, all tools, equipment, dies jigs, specifications and other material (except suppliers as definedbelow) of every description furnishedby purchaser to supplier or paid for by purchase and shall be painly marker and/or otherwise clearly identified by supplier as "Property of Rico Auto Industries Limited" such property shall be stored separate and apart supplier's own property an except only reasonable wear and use, such property in the possession of supplier be kept at supplier's risk and supplier shall be responsible for all maintenance thereof. At purchaser's request such property shall be insured of supplier's cost in amounts acceptable to purchaser with loss payable to purchasers,. Such property shall be used only for the purpose of or in connection with this agreement. Such property shall be subject to purchaser's inspection of any time during business hours. Purchaser'simmediate possession on, demand and purchaser's total control. Such property shall be returned to purchaser upon expiration or termination of this agreement. 21. If suppler makes inventions, devices or designs based on the specifications, drawings, test data and other information furnished by purchaser to supplier shall promptly disclose them in writing to purchase, and supplier and purchaser shall negotiable in good faith to determine the use and disposition of such inventions, devices or designs. 21.1 If any industrial property right or any invention, device or design under application for an industrial property right is embodied in the goods which will be manufactured by supplier and delivered to purchaser, supplier shall notify purchaser thereof in advance. 22. Unless otherwise specifically stated in this agreement, neither suppler nor purchaser's shall be responsible for any delay or defaultin the performance of its obligations under this agreement due it contingencies beyond its control such as natural disaster, war insurrection, epidernicriot, revolution, commotion or governmental restriction. If either party hereto is preventedby such case or causes from performing its obligations under this agreement such party shall promptly notify the other party to that effect. 22.1 In the event that such causes or causes have continued to exist for three (3) months or more, the non-defaulting party may, at its option, suspend or terminate agreement by giving notice to that effect in writing to the other party in an appropriate manner. 23. All notice, reports, requests, demands and other communications under this agreement or in connection herewith shall be written in the English language andshall be sent personally or by registered mall to the respective parties.All notices,reports,request,demand and other communications shall be deemed to have to given at the time when actually handed over or when deposited in the past, as the case may be. 24. This contract shall be seemed to have been entered into at Gurgaon and only Gurgaon courts will have jurisdiction in all maters arisingout of this order. 25. For any change in duty rate / any wrong HSN code mentioned by supplier RICO is not responsible for it. 26. Notwithstanding anything contrary agreed between the parties, RICO shall not be under any obligation to remit the payment until the receipt of valid tax invoice in respect of supplies. 27. In event where some adjustment arises in connection with a supply made under this Agreement, the supplier must give the other party a credit note or debit note in accordance with provisions of GST law. 28. Notwithstanding payment terms agreed between the parties, GST charged in respect of supplies made to RICO would be remitted only after compliant GSTR1 reporting by supplier and completion of matching exercis at GSTN. 29.Notwithstanding above, in event of GST mismatch on account of default at supplier#s end, RICO shall be entitled to recover tax credit lost along with interest @ ..% p.a. from the supplier. _____________________________________________________________________________________ For RICO AUTO INDUSTRIES LTD RICO 08 QF0 01, ISSUE 01 FEB99 F:RICO GGN/PUR/3 Prepared By Approved By ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~