Dear Sir,

This refer to NCR (Non Conformance Report) / PIS (Product / Process Improvement Sheet) raised by Endurance.

Please find below NCR / PIS details along with applicable penalty as per ETL Policy.

Supplier Vendor Code Supplier Name NCR Request No. NCR Number NCR Raised By ETL Plant Part Number Part Name Defect Description Rejected Quantity NCR Approved Date Applicable Panelty
{vendorcode} {name1} {ncrnumber} {ncrno} {werks} {matnr} {maktx} {defdet} {ngqty} {approvaldate} Rs. {panelty}

Kindly take a note of this since applicable amount as mentioned in above table shall be debited to your account.

@ETL Plant Finance team, kindly execute this penalty to mentioned supplier.

NCR / PIS System Administrator.
Note: This is a system generated mail. Do not send reply mail.