QFR No - 7000952518
Defect Details
NC No. 7000952518
NC Date 14/10/2023
NC Submission Date
Part No. F2FA19033M
Supplier Name & Code 101109-TUBE INVESTMENTS OF INDIA LIMI
ETL Plant 1136-ETL Suspension Sanand
Defect Details DENT ON FACE-Dent on Face,Rusty,Ring mark ,Other part
1. Problem Description
Defect Description Dent of face of Fork pipe K0PG
Detection Stage Receipt
Problem Severity Fitment
NG Quantity 47
Is Defect Repeatative? Yes
Defect Sketch / Photo boyp50s1ep5zxm1shntow0gh.jpg
Supplier Communication Details
Quality Head Email ID anandms@tii.murugappa.com
Plant Head/CEO Email ID vijayakumarv@tii.murugappa.com
MD Email ID mukeshahuja@tii.murugappa.com
2. Stock Details & action taken for NG parts
Location ETL End Warehouse Transit Supplier FG Supplier WIP Total
Total Qty
Check Qty
NG Qty
Scrap 47
Rework 0
Under Deviation 0
Containment Action
Re-verification done through Visual Inspection of all available material at ETL end & in FG & WIP material with Identification Mark.
3. Process Flow
Process Flow Description
RM Inward - Storage - CNC Machining - Drilling - Deburring - Inspection - Bin Packing - Dispatch.
4. Process Details
Process / Operation WIP Material Storage
Outsource No
Machine / Cell Trollys
Machine / Cell No. Trolly
5. Problem Analysis
Type Possible Cause Fact Verification Jud
MachineCompresser Air Dryer Not workingVerified & found in not working condition.X
MaterialIn coming Raw tube Rusty & dent damageVerified & found OKO
ManSOP not FollowedVerified through Gemba observation and found Operator has followed the SOP.O
MachineMachining ParameterVerified through Gemba observation and found all Machine Parameter as per Control PlanO
MethodCoolant concentrationVerified through Gemba observation and found Coolant concentration 3 - 4%.X
ManMaterial falls from Bins.Verified & found that in dispatch Vehicle stacking bin Height is high.tX
6. Inspection Method Analysis (Current)
Inspection Method Other
Other Inspection Method Visual Inspection
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. 100%
Sampling No
Sample Size 100%
7. Root Cause Analysis (Occurance)
Why 1 K0PG FORK PIPE MACHINED found Rusty & dent Mark on Machined Area at customer end.
Why 2 1.rust generated on Machined area after CNC machining process 2.Water comes in contact through compressed air in cleaning Operation.
Why 3 1.due to Less coolant concentration used in CNC machine rust get formed on machined area .2. Compressor Air Dryer Not working Condition.
Why 4
Why 5
Root Cause (Occurance) 1. Less coolant concentration used in CNC machine , 2. Compressor Air Dryer Not working Condition.
Root Cause Analysis (Outflow)
Why 1 K0PG FORK PIPE MACHINED found Rusty & dent Mark on Machined Area at customer end.
Why 2 Part not capture in final 100 % Visual Inspection
Why 3
Why 4
Why 5
Root Cause (Outflow) Visual Inspection
8. Countermeasure ( Occurrence , Outflow & System side Actions )
Type Countermeasure Details Responsibility Target Date Actual Date Status
OccuranceCoolant concentration increased to 5-6 % from 3 - 4%Mr. Palak Shah16/10/202316/10/2023Completed
OccuranceAir Dryer repaired & now in working conditionMr. Palak Shah16/10/202316/10/2023Completed
OutflowTraining given to Operators & Final inspector for inspection of Rust & dent mark on Machined areaMr. Anand Nagare16/10/202316/10/2023Completed
OccuranceBin Stacking height in Dispatch Vehicle is defined.Mr. Palak Shah17/10/202317/10/2023Completed
9. Inspection Method After Customer Complaint
Change In Inspection System No
Change Details 100 %Visual Inspection
Inspection Method Other
Other Inspection Method Visual Inspection
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. 100%
Sampling No
Sample Size 100%
10. Evidance of Countermeasure
Occurance (Before) 1. due to Less coolant (3-4%)concentration used in CNC machine rust get formed on machined area 2.Water comes in contact through compressed air in cleaning Operation due to Air Dryer Not Working.3.Over Stacking of bins in vehicle bins can falls in loading & unloading material cause dent & damage on Machining Area.
Occurance (After) 1. Coolant concentration increased to 5-6 % from 3 - 4%. 2. Compressor Air dryer repaired & in working condition . 3.Stacking position define (Red color marking for maximum stacking of material )
Outflow (Before) Part not capture in final 100 % Visual Inspection
Outflow (After) Training given to Inspector for Visual Inspection for Rust & Dent & Damage
11. Horizontal Deployment
Horizontal Deployment Required Yes
Applicable Machine / Model / Plant FORK PIPEMACHINED K86 / Sanand
12. Document Review
Specify Other Document NO
13. Effectiveness Of Action
Reviewed Quantity 5
Reason for submission Rust and dent in fork pipe