QFR No - 8000788831
Defect Details
NC No. 8000788831
NC Date 25/05/2022
NC Submission Date
Part No. 53BKZ00102
Supplier Name & Code 101023-FORES ELASTOMECH INDIA PVT. LT
ETL Plant 1136-ETL Suspension Sanand
1. Problem Description
Defect Description Short shot
Detection Stage Inprocess
Problem Severity Function
NG Quantity 13
Is Defect Repeatative? No
Defect Sketch / Photo 3jd0wsglcjllsqocql1hxmsz.jpg
Supplier Communication Details
Quality Head Email ID malani.pritam@foresgroup.com
Plant Head/CEO Email ID singh.barinder@foresgroup.com
MD Email ID swamy.pj@foresgroup.com
2. Stock Details & action taken for NG parts
Location ETL End Warehouse Transit Supplier FG Supplier WIP Total
Total Qty
Check Qty
NG Qty
Scrap 32
Rework 0
Under Deviation 0
Containment Action
100 % Stock verify at Fores End .
3. Process Flow
Process Flow Description
Rubber & Chemical - Inward inspection - Rubber Mixing - Hardness inspection - Moulding - Visual inspection - Standard packing & Dispatch .
4. Process Details
Process / Operation Molding
Outsource No
Machine / Cell Moulding
Machine / Cell No. Moulding
5. Problem Analysis
Type Possible Cause Fact Verification Jud
MachineMold temperature less or morePLC controlled if parameter not okay found then machine stopX
ManSkipped from inspectionInspector not awareO
MachineCuring Time Less or morePLC controlled if parameter not okay found then machine stopX
MaterialMaterial sequence not followed at Intermix in Mixing departmentError proofing system for chemical weighing , so there is no chances of variation in chemical weightX
MaterialWrong material usedLast six month hardness data verified found okayX
6. Inspection Method Analysis (Current)
Inspection Method Other
Other Inspection Method Visual
Check Point at Final Inspection No
Checking Freq. 100%
Sampling No
Sample Size 100 %
7. Root Cause Analysis (Occurance)
Why 1 Short Mould
Why 2 weak joint in rubber to rubber
Why 3 Material Flow is less in mold cavity
Why 4 material Flow Not uniform for all cavity .
Why 5 Carbon deposition in mold cavity .
Root Cause (Occurance) Carbon Deposition in mold cavity .
Root Cause Analysis (Outflow)
Why 1 Short mold
Why 2 Skip from inspection
Why 3 Inspector not aware about potential failure
Why 4
Why 5
Root Cause (Outflow) Inspector not aware about potential failure .
8. Countermeasure ( Occurrence , Outflow & System side Actions )
Type Countermeasure Details Responsibility Target Date Actual Date Status
OutflowQ gate Implement at Inspection stage ( 200 % inspection start for one month .Amar Patil .25/05/202220/05/2022Completed
OccuranceClean the Mould ( remove all carbon )Mr Zukle25/05/202219/05/2022Completed
OccuranceMold cleaning frequency IncreaseMr Zukle25/05/2022Pending
Outflow100 % Marking start an ID of part for One month .Mr Shinde25/05/202219/05/2022Completed
9. Inspection Method After Customer Complaint
Change In Inspection System No
Change Details Visual
Inspection Method Other
Other Inspection Method Visual
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. 100%
Sampling No
Sample Size 100 %
10. Evidance of Countermeasure
Occurance (Before) Mold unclean ( carbon deposition observed in mold cavity ) .
Occurance (After) Clean the Mold . Dirt cleaning frequency increase from three month to Two month .
Outflow (Before) Inspector not aware & Insufficient training.
Outflow (After) Training given to Inspector . 200 % inspection start for one month . Inspection marking start for one month .
11. Horizontal Deployment
Horizontal Deployment Required Yes
Applicable Machine / Model / Plant N/A
12. Document Review
Specify Other Document N/A
13. Effectiveness Of Action
Reviewed Quantity 0
Reason for submission 1. Fact Verification and Jud. are not aligned. Also detail statement to be given in fact verification 2. Root cause occurenec side Why 5 statement are not clear, detaile clear statement to be written. Just mold unclean could not be root cause. 3. Outflow side root cause not identified. Why inspector are not aware about potential failure?? 4. System side cause must be identified in Why 5. 5. Countermeasure are not adequate i.e. no training given to perator, No OPL was displayed etc. 6. Q-gate implemented at FI stage, how it could be a root cause while already Visual inspection done at FI stage. If previously visual inspection not done then how operator unawarness could be root cause of outflow. 7. All relevant documents for all causes and actions are not attached. All evidences must be attached to confirm action and root cause. Zip file can be uploaded. Hence Upload multiple files in compressed form. 8. Horizontal deployment is yes but machine detailes not mentioned. it should be mentioned. 9. All updated documents must be reflect in section number 12.