QFR No - 8000874017
Defect Details
NC No. 8000874017
NC Date 11/05/2024
NC Submission Date
Part No. F800500507
Supplier Name & Code 100061-BAJAJSONS LIMITED
ETL Plant 1126-ETL Pantnagar
1. Problem Description
Defect Description M10 Thread Miss in Steering Shaft Bush
Detection Stage Customer End
Problem Severity Fitment
NG Quantity 1
Is Defect Repeatative? Yes
Defect Sketch / Photo
Supplier Communication Details
Quality Head Email ID kasingh@bajajsons.com
Plant Head/CEO Email ID crbansal@bajajsons.com
MD Email ID sanjay.bajaj@bajajsons.com
2. Stock Details & action taken for NG parts
Location ETL End Warehouse Transit Supplier FG Supplier WIP Total
Total Qty
Check Qty
NG Qty
Scrap 1
Rework 0
Under Deviation 0
Containment Action
All customer end material 440 pcs. hold for re-inspection & checked 180 pcs. and found all material ok. Warehouse Qty. 200 pcs. will re-check before dispatch to ETL. No material in our End & transit
3. Process Flow
Process Flow Description
Press fitting-Mig Welding-Carbon cleaning-Fine boring-Countering at side bore-Slitting-Broaching or deburring-Counter at hole dia 10.5 & 8.8mm-Manual deburring- Phosphating & powder coating-Bore Opening-M6 tapping-M10x1.25 tapping-M6 Tapping-M10x1.25 bush tapping-Parallelism inspection- Die passout-Final inspection-PDI-Packing & dispatch
4. Process Details
Process / Operation Bush Tapping M10x1.25
Outsource No
Machine / Cell Tapping machine (BDM)
Machine / Cell No. BDM-11
5. Problem Analysis
Type Possible Cause Fact Verification Jud
MachineMachine spindle jamMachine condition is okO
MaterialBush Material grade NGMaterial is being used as defined gradeO
MethodImproper handling NC parts during inspectionDuring verification found that NC area was defined & followedO
ManUnskilled manpowerSkilled manpower deployed for tapping & inspectionO
MethodPart did not load on fixture for tappingDuring verification found that single trolley used at tapping process, chances of part skippedX
MethodPFD not followed during machining processDuring verification found that material run as per sequenceO
ManNot Follow up the SOPDuring verification found that inspection is being done as per defined SOPO
MethodMore then one activities by one checkerDuring verification & found that more then one activity done during short manpower in Apr,24X
ToolTap wear outTool monitoring done as definedO
6. Inspection Method Analysis (Current)
Inspection Method Gauge
Other Inspection Method
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. 100%
Sampling No
Sample Size 5Pcs./Lot
7. Root Cause Analysis (Occurance)
Why 1 Without tapping part reached at next stage
Why 2 Tapping done & without tapping part mix up
Why 3 Mix up due to single trolley used
Why 4 Single trolley used due to less space for input & output trolley at tapping machine
Why 5 Machine lay-out constrain
Root Cause (Occurance) Machine lay-out constrain
Root Cause Analysis (Outflow)
Why 1 Without tapping part skipped from tapping inspection stage of F.I.
Why 2 Checked & without checked parameters part mix-up
Why 3 No marking done after each parameter inspection
Why 4 Marking after inspection was not defined
Why 5 Earlier no such type activities was defined for more then one activities for one checker
Root Cause (Outflow) No marking done after each parameter inspection , resulting without tapping inspection part skipped & reached at customer end
8. Countermeasure ( Occurrence , Outflow & System side Actions )
Type Countermeasure Details Responsibility Target Date Actual Date Status
OutflowOPL made & awareness given to final inspection checker that he will do marking with green paint marker after ensure tapping presence if he will more then one parametersMr Irfan13/05/202413/05/2024Completed
OccuranceShooter provision to be add at tapping machine for material movement to cover up the space constrainMr. Jasbir Singh25/05/202429/05/2024Completed
OccuranceOJT made & awareness given to all concern for 100% inspection before material move to next stage by machine operatorMr. Jasbir13/05/202413/05/2024Completed
OccurancePoke-yoke provision feasibility to be check after review the sequence change if anyMr. Harpal Singh25/05/202429/05/2024Completed
9. Inspection Method After Customer Complaint
Change In Inspection System Yes
Change Details Green dot marking started after ensure the tapping presence
Inspection Method Gauge
Other Inspection Method
Check Point at Final Inspection Yes
Checking Freq. 100%
Sampling No
Sample Size 05Pcs/Lot
10. Evidance of Countermeasure
Occurance (Before) Single trolley is being used for bush tapping process, chances of tapping miss during part taking & loading at trolley from one trolley
Occurance (After) Tray type provision will implemented at tapping machines for material material to next stage, At 1st tapping Input will take from trolley & after that material will move at tray as proposed. Secondly tapping sequence will review again for poke-yoke provision to detect tapping miss issue
Outflow (Before) There was no marking after inspection , In this case more then one parameters checked by checker , resulting part move to next stage because no marking was there after inspected parameters
Outflow (After) Green dot marking started after inspection, if single parameter inspection or more then one parameters inspection.(Only one bush hole tapping is checked by checker and other checker checking two tapping left and right side as in bracket. thats why there is no load on bush tapping checker for green marking )
11. Horizontal Deployment
Horizontal Deployment Required Yes
Applicable Machine / Model / Plant K-19,K3,K17AB,K17E ,E101B , U101 & Avenger
12. Document Review
Documents PFMEA, WISOP, InspCheckSheet
Specify Other Document N/A
13. Effectiveness Of Action
Reviewed Quantity 1
Reason for submission 1. In Occurrence side in Before and After photographs, No change seen. 2. In Occurrence side the Root cause is Machine Layout Constraint, So what Action you have taken for same. 3. In Outflow side the cause seen is that the Final Inspector was overloaded, who is doing multiple activities, earlier multiple activities not carried by one person, then you have added further marking activity, which increase his load also. Then How you assure that only addition of marking will resolve the problem. 4. As this is the Customer complaint for us, But you have shared only Manual controls, Have you initiated any activity for the automated controls for generation and Inspection of these type of Defects.